How does a Word Search relate to your business?
Everyone likes to take a few minutes out to relax, so why not give them a ‘friendly’ Word Search to do.
Do you have a monthly Newsletter that you send out to your customers?
Do you have an internal Newsletter letting your staff know what’s happening in the business?
Think about this:
A ‘friendly’ Word Search With All Of Your Company Products
This will add to your subtle marketing campaign
A ‘friendly’ Word Search With New Staff Names
This could be in a ‘getting to know your colleagues’ section
A ‘friendly’ Word Search With Customer Brands In
This could be a ‘getting to know your customer’ section
A ‘friendly Word Search That Is Totally Random
This really could be a time to relax for a few minutes

Another word game that can easily be used in your Newsletters or Bulletins – Word Scramble
Just like Word Searches, these can be used to relax but they can also be used within the business.
Think about this:
A Word Scramble With All Of Your Company Products
This will add to your subtle marketing campaign
A Word Scramble With New Staff Names
This could be in a ‘getting to know your colleagues’ section

If you are interested in discussing how we can fit this in with your own Branding and Marketing, don’t hesitate to Contact Us